>>7729027There are no forced rules. But as much great philosophy talks about at great length, from every corner of the world and from every different culture, living in accordance with nature typically brings forth a very peaceful and tranquil life. I believe a lot of people are angry, stressed and unsure what is causing this, but they know it has something to do with the way in which many societies and cultures are now behaving, changing and acting. They sense that something is out of sorts. I believe this has to do with, one, not being taught much on how to think, and not having different perspectives, the inability or lack of training our reasoning faculties, and finally the lack of well taught philosophy to all our new generations. Put this together with a society striving for meaningless material wealth, profit and dead-end jobs, that constantly pollute, and poison our environments and it makes sense why people combat against modernity. I don't think its a fight against advancement, I just think many don't see the direction in which civilization is going, as 'advancement' but a deterioration of the things humanity really needs and desires, which is solidarity, compassion and living in accordance with nature rather than attempting to fight against it. But I mean people have probably always felt that way at every point in human civilization. Were just at a different point now, where our actions as a globalized civilization are making huge and drastic impacts on everyone and everything here, where once upon a time, the most drastic and largest impacts, impacted a continent or a portion of it. There's a lot to be said and dissected about the impact of the modern technological and industrial age.