>>7834467I think the thing that really shook me into becoming a good person was realizing that I had become like my father. I hated my father because of all the fucked up shit he did. One day I just realized that I was doing the same fucked up shit I hated him so much for. I realized that I had became the very thing I hated most in life. This kind of shock me into wanting to change and be a better person.
The realization that I was a terrible person was only half story though. At the same time that I came to this realization a family member that I had looked up to a lot basically since I was born died. I was heavily involved in planning his funeral and ended up coming to hear a bunch of stories about him. The sheer amount of good things he had done for people was amazing. People held him in high regard because a very honest and hard working man that did incredible amounts of good for the people around him.
Seeing the effects of what being a good man were really did inspire me to want be better. I simply had 2 choices. I could be a someone who uses and abuses people for selfish gain as my father and grandfather had been or I could choose to be someone that does so much good for people that they honor me even in death. I decided that I would much rather be the latter.