>>8010716> These new vaccines are 99% effective have been thoroughly tested> Okay they are 80% effective and we tested them enough. The science is understood.> Well maybe they are 65% effective and we tested them on a couple of people and some rats but it was only designed to lessen the spread of Covid.> Yeah they are only 30% effective but they were only designed to lessen the effects of Covid. It's not like it's harmful.> Okay so its only like 10% effective but it was only really designed to help old and sick people. Some people might see some serious side effects but hey there is risk in all vaccines. We are in this together!> Okay look it didn't do anything at all but we are past that. I know we vilified you over night and attempted to eject you from society (maybe tried to put you in a camp) but now is a time for togetherness and forgiveness. By the way here is an advertisement about children with hearth damage.Don't let them gaslight you about the last 3 years bros.