>>7714678>Communist>complaining about shit educationlike pottery.
Look, you can imagine a utopia all you want but the fact is that dumb people and smart people exist, people of different races exist and some people have vaginas while others have penises.
Because of that people are not equal. And equal outcomes is not going to happen.
If the "workers" truly were not getting their full value of labor surely they could strike, start their own communist workshop and it would work out for them right?
So yes, some of the working class is too stupid to make those decisions, no amount of education will fix that. A society of well educated people will never exist and if it did, it would not be communist.
I'm not going to argue that America is the most "free" country because I'm not sure it is. It is up there and the only ones potentially more free have higher % white populations. So I think it does pretty well given the demographics.
Go back to your lefty pol shit thread, I don't shit that up with stuff you don't want to see, so why are you doing that. If you don't like it hide it or something.