>>7171057and a girl is not.
in your case, i think she did really love you. i wouldnt doubt that. but she doesnt love you in that sense anymore.
seeing as she still keeps in touch with you, and at one point after you were broken up she still had romantic feelings and did romantic things with you while ""seeing"" other people, shows that she is immature.
she is a girl, not a woman.
i dont know what made her leave you, but i know what made her stay.
she cares about you, even though she is fucked up, manipulative, a shit-tier human, and an immature little girl. she probably still cares about you in a completely fucked up way.
the fact that she wont leave well enough alone is proof to the fact that she is still immature. a little girl.
its on you to break off contact, not only for her benefit and development as a woman, but for your own happiness and sanity.
you deserve to be happy as much as anyone else.