I've been struggling to stay disciplined at work, gym, chores, cooking... Just am tired and not been handing my new role at work as well as I'd hoped. Church, and some new friends to play pathfinder with has helped but definitely have had a few nights that I am just so close to losing my shit, selling everything and moving somewhere to homestead or die trying.
>>8084346Stop smoking, ez pz anon...
>>8084639Yeah, it is very tough to stay in it long distance long term. I've had 3 fail that way. I've found if there is no plan or timeline to close the distance, there isn't really a hope for things to change. It does suck but anon, you are still pretty young in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes life will sweep you off your feet fast than you ever expect.
>>8085315Not to trying to be too preachy but maybe try church. Since I've been back in church and really trying to develop my faith. Things have been better for me. It doesn't mean hard times don't happen. But I am definitely dealing with it better than I would have been. Specifically, some young adult groups and not just going to church on Sunday alone. It's definitely difficult if you are shy/introverted but it's good to make yourself a little OK being uncomfortable for a bit.