>>7448814Many thoughts in my head atm so in no specific order:
I'm 1 week away from paying off my car. Gonna go into the bank this upcoming Saturday, sign a check, and be done with it. Afterwords I will need to make a payment or 2 on my credit card and then I will be absolutely debt free. After several months of saving and accumulating mahnies, I now want to finally start spending money on shit that I want. Already got a new wardrobe listed on Amazon with a budget of $300 and it's been good. Wanna start taking my electrician job more serious after 5 months and wanna get an intro to electric theory by Mike Holt as well as a copy of the NEC. While I have come to terms with the fact I will never be able to play a stringed instrument due to my tiny baby hands, the urge to play music still hasn't left me. Been thinking on trying drums. Wanna get a breadboard to dick with circuitry. Wanna get an area rug and try my hand at growing plants. Definitely wanna try growing lotus bamboo and possibly sunflowers if it's possible indoors during the winter. Maybe an electric furnace for smelting metals. And finally buy the Reignited Trilogy on PC. So a whole bunch of new things. Yet, for some reason, I'm overall meh towards these. Not so much meh as opposed to not sure what will happen should I begin to fail hard. Last instrument I tried was the banjo but since my fingers are all smaller than a lighter, playing it was impossible to do decently.
I think this fear comes from the fact that I've been using the car as an excuse not to do anything yet a motivator so I can do things without fear of money. It's a weird feel. Pretty much I've been spending my free time looking up different hobbies, on YouTube, and on vidya. On the weekends I come onto 4chan. I'm also 24. I'm also no longer as interested in vidya as I once was and I absolutely fucking hate the state 4chan is in right now. Wojak spam, self-defeatist/off-topic shitposting, and a general vibe that is just mean.