bump guys, bump.
i love the fact that most of you feel identified with the description of my papes or others. dont mean to be that picky. what i'm also trying to find here is some papes with colors fading in the sky
>>6065659or pape where the sun somehow looks weak
>>6065651>>6065485or some deep blue and sad lake or sea
>>6064340>>6067056also something like these (i dont know how they're called, i just love them)
>>6067606urbanization is good, if it has its touch of minimalism in it
>>6068964forest and mountains (general)
i could be too some other like the ones i posted before, to show the shape of someone walking to nowhere
>>6061485>>6061497or when the night is approaching
>>6058355>>6057365generally i find atractive the papes that have fade in it, or look sad, and have this light touch of minimalism in them, maybe someone standing or walking in there, just like the ones i posted in the begginning to create this thread, and the updates, check them out.
If you guys feel like u have nothing good worth to post here, dont worry, go on, there are several people who will appreciate it more (saying this cuz some pics look just like another wallpaper i can find in my Windows Wallpapers folder, but doesnt matter, it gives you feels).
if u wanna give it a plus, post songs that match with your feels.
>>6065730if u have those vivid wp's post them then, just choose the ones with feels
remember: cool and friendly thread
Oh and i will soon post wps each one with the thoughts and feels I have when i see them, i want this to mean something to you, a text or a song maybe.