>>6597047I'm sorry, but you will never wake up in the Painted World of Ariamis. Not only that, but Aldrich devoured the Dark Sun Gwyndolin, and most of Sens Fortress and Anor Londo have been demolished save for the Princess' Chamber, the Archives and Lothrics chamber.
I wonder what happened to the painting itself, but it is implied Aldrich and his partner devoured Priscilla as well. Perhaps the world still exists somewhere, or maybe Aldrich devoured it all.
The age of the Deep is coming.
>>6600826Sounds real fun anon.
>>6602905I hope you haven't suffered too much. You and I have a similar dream.
>>6603601Have you heard of a man by the name of Elon Musk? : ^ )
>>6604583>you will never be the joker or live in gotham or experience anything related to that universeend me senpai
>>6606791Pretty crazy how popular one mouse can be. Just that image, it screams it. He doesn't feel like a distant personality, rather, he feels almost personable.
>>6606945This looks real nice and I'd like to live somewhere like that too, but with a little more land inward.
>My dream is to make music, write music, AND be as happy as the girl in this picture