First step to overcoming a problem with depression is to stop letting it consume your thoughts. Don't surround yourself with depressing things and tell people you're being ironic. Think about shit you like, base your surroundings and your mindset on that. Focus on those things and never stop focusing.
You've got your whole life. Don't feel rushed. Think occasionally about your problems and find one you can manage and manage it. Then do one that's more complicated, next time try two at once. Do that until they're gone.
Speak from the heart, never lie. Even if the lie is what people want to hear. You're you, and you matter. Be yourself, and let yourself be heard. No more conforming. If you're the best you that you know how to be then the best and most compatible people will be with you. If you're fake, you'll be surrounded by things you don't care about. Why do that to yourself? A single good friend is better than a troupe of strangers.
Let people speak. Listen to them. Even if you don't like what they're saying. Hear what they have to say, take some time to think it over and then respond. Try to understand why they say what they do. If you don't know how to respond tell them, let them know you've been given something to think about and if you're interested look into it.
Clean your living area. It's satisfying and helps you get a better self image of yourself.
Drink. more. water.
Take some time to focus on breathing.
Stop believing you can't despite never trying.
Give it a fucking shot and even if you fail you tried and that's more than most can ever say.