>>7170425Thanks for sharing. I will not defend what I do. Its a free country you know (for me and most of us at least, bless us). I have no regrets at all. But I would like to take part in this conversation.
There are a couple of reasons I still do this although I do have some trouble with a large collection
1) I had a great time so far on /wg/, I'm not done giving back (or taking, for that matter). For example, I like the games we play with just wallpapers.
2) Again, it relaxes me. Editing, lurking /wg/, and browsing my collection clears my mind like netflix or sports can do.
3) It inspires me. I do some graphic design work in real life and it helps to stay creative.
4) I don't see the need for a 1m interval. 10 minutes is actually a good speed for me. Yes, I would still not see them all but when I do I really enjoy the 'wow havent seen this one in a while' feeling. At some point I actually made a selection of ~400 but I got bored because I looked at them during selection for quite a while.
5) The goal was never to collect them all, you know. Why is it more a timesink than photography, video games, collecting stamps, or any other hobby? Why bother playing video games if you can never play them all to determine which is the best of all. Why bother reading the news or getting the latest phone, there will always be new ones. Makes no sense right? You enjoy playing games, I enjoy this. I'm not alone, anons like us are the reason this board still exist after more than a decade. A hobby is usually a very personal affection for something. For me it is digital graphic art. I dont expect you to understand.
6) No, I wont just delete everything thats not the right resolution by default. I picked these walls with care. I saved them because I like what I see in them. Quality is important, yes. But if the artist or photographer triggers something within me, I even consider savind low ppi or smaller than FHD.
Im wondering, why did you stay on /wg/?