>>7440310an empty, person-shaped void
>>74407581997 Ford Taurus. I have 5 accidents on my record, and I'm 19. I actually was over a month past due on my bills and only found out today that they cancelled my policy a month ago.
>>7438326I mentioned I broke up with my girlfriend. I never told y'all why.
She was a Christian, and so was I, when we started dating. Over the past couple years, since I've started dealing with manic-depressive disorder, I've felt a sense of almost...apathy, towards the spiritual state of my life. So, after a year and a week of being together, she mentioned concern towards my growing agnosticism. A week later, the relationship was over.
It's been hard, anons. I've been able to feel a distinct void where I used to hold her, almost like an amputee's phantom limb. After some contemplation, I've concluded it's not her I miss, though. It was the ideal of her that I'd constructed and idolised in my head; the physical presence of another; the knowledge I had someone to turn to during emotional crises.
So yeah, it hurts. It hurts like hell. And I'd be lying if I said I'm not already trying to fill that void. But I'll make it, anons. I've already begun work on moving to another, larger city. I'm selling the Taurus and buying a motorcycle. Even downloaded Tinder, for all the good it does.
You just gotta keep pressing forward, guys. One day at a time.
>inb4 gayest shit i ever read