Loving this thread.
Really curious about everyone's process.
I used to just leave one picture as a wallpaper for months, then 4 or 5 years ago decided to start having multiple on rotation on laptop and phone for the sake of variety. I remembered 4chan had a /wg/ board. So, every other month I come here and get almost everything, my wallpaper folder now has something like 8000 images.
This is how I usually do it:
1. Open every single thread in a new tab.
2. Expand all images in a single thread with a Firefox add-on.
3. Download page in a "PENDING" folder.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every thread until completion.
5. After finishing with the entire catalog I start curation.
6. Inside "PENDING" I delete the HTML as well as every file that is not an image and the thumbnails.
7. Check wallpapers one by one, thread by thread and delete the ones that I don't like, move the ones I do to its corresponding final folder, either pc or mobile. This takes days and I do it in my spare time.
8. Mobile folder is synchronized with Google drive.
9. If an image needs tilting, cropping or some other form of editing (usually OC threads) I use Polarr Photo Editor or Lightroom.
10. After selection is done I open "Duplicate Photos Finder" and delete the lesser duplicate, It's not perfect but has worked great so far.
I downloaded Adobe Bridge yesterday to start tagging with keywords but will try