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No.1015417 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm looking for a song. It was part of a music video that used to get posted years and years ago fairly frequently in relevant boards/thread as at the time it was one of the few fully animated music videos out there.

The video showed a girl living in a little village until one day a giant robot came around and killed everyone except the girl. The girl vowed revenge and what followed was a short training montage and her practicing with a slingshot. Some time later she tracks down the giant robot awhich was destroying another village. She chases down the robot and climbs it. She manages to shoot the slingshot into a weak spot which damages the giant robot. The robot at this point notices her and starts trying to kill her. Eventually she is on the edge of a cliff and the robot is going to stamp down on her. The girl manages to roll out of the way at the last second and the robot stamps down on the edge of the cliff which gives out from the weight and the Robot tumbles down the side of the cliff to its demise. The girl, exhausted and bleeding, lays o nthe edge of the cliff and faints/dies as the camera pans up from her.

If it helps at all the animation style was very amateurish and pixelated, looking almost like it was done in MSPaint. It might have even been a fan video I don't remember. In any case it's the song and name of the artist/s I'm after. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.

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