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Searching for old movie

No.1448863 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
so the other day I was chitchatting with my dad and he told me about some BS scene from an old-ass Western he watched in a movie theatre when he was young.
Basically, there was the evils guys who had ignited some gunpowder and it was a bout to lit some explosive stuff or something. Then the main character threw a water bottle or some shit in the air, shot it with his gun and then the water inside dropped and turned off the gunpowder.
tbf this scene reminds me of some Looney Tunes shit, but he told me it was a normal, live action movie.
It may or not have been a Spaghetti Western.
Anyone know which movie is it? My dad's in his 60s so the film had to be from the 70s or 80s
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