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Need books

No.1452100 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll be abstaining from the internet during summer break, so I'll need sth to do
At the moment I got Claymore, Lovecraft, Tolkien, and the new testament, old one is on the way. I was at the bookstore and they basicaly had nothing, I need a way to get a hold of:Cu Chulain(+celtic mithology)
Greek mithology(Atleast Orpheus & his wife)
Shinto mithology(Atleast Izanami & Izanagi, Touhou youkai profiles)
Dante(not comedy)
Genji monogatori(Tale of Genji)
Nag Hammadi Library(or other ultra-chuddy gnostic texts)
Gospel of Thomas(or other apochriphal texts)
Is there anything else I should add or will it be enough?