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I’m looking for a song

No.1455543 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Anyway, the song I’m looking for has a girl moaning/wailing when I mean, moaning, I mean not in a sexual context I don’t believe she says any actual words throughout the song, The instruments playing I believe are a Flute or clarinet they’re playing chaotically and disorderly almost randomly. There’s many times where You can hear them playing the music and sounds like he released a note too early so it shakes if you understand what I mean it might also be a trumpet or oboe. I can’t quite recall

Anyway, it starts with the instrument playing, and then the woman’s voice slowly fades and she starts moaning and then eventually dies down. I can’t remember I believe from a movie trailer or a YouTube video but regardless any help finding it would be very appreciated The overall theme is creepy I believe the song started with an S and I think the artwork for the album was ambient if that makes sense although the song itself wasn’t