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Maybe you know this Japanese song

No.1456642 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
YouTube maybe 9-13 years ago. AMV/MAD had clips from the Disappearance of Haruhi movie. This video also had a ton of views, I didn’t think finding the song based off my shitty romanji memory would fail.

If you know this Japanese song, reading my shitty romanji with the cliff notes may make you recognize the song I’m trying to find

First two syllables of the song start before the first full count of 4/4 (think how the singer starts singing like one or two words then the song really starts)

“Haa ruu kuu kako yuu oou something something something”
>(ends with u or o sound for rhyme scheme)
>gentle piano enters the song starts to get stronger
“Okashii something something something mai/(nai) modoru”
>string instruments/violent slowly come in
“Hanabi awashii/(ayashii) something something ri kage”

“Uso was tai noo shita deee (pause)”

kiiiiii tto mama- (singer pause)”

>after kitto mama, drum set and guitar crash in, Song picks up pace, singer backs off and guitar and drum base have a short solo before singer comes back for main song

>I won’t even bother trying to come up with the romanji I can’t remember but here’s the hook of the song from what I can remember, the part that they repeat 2 or 3 times in the song that everyone knows a song by

“Something wakeru (pause), Something, bakeru (pause)”

“something something hoshi ga”

“Kawaru, kawaru”
>or mawaru, mawaru?

“Something something ka(ga)”

“Saa ii”

“tei saitei something something akage”

“Something something something something something something naka de”

Later on she maybe says zutto mama