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PHP + ffmpeg

No.1456947 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm creating a website where u can upload videos.
Need to create the thumbnail of uploaded video.
So I installed ffmpeg on my Ubuntu server and tried different php tutorial scripts to create the thumb but none of them return any thumbnail file. It doesnt get generated no matter what kinda script I use. Here's one for instance:

>$ffmpeg = "usr/bin/ffmpeg";
>$img_name = "var/www/html/1.jpg";
> $file_tmp = "var/www/html//test.mp4";
>$img_size = "120x90";
> $getimgsec = 5;
>$cmd = "$ffmpeg -i $file_tmp -an -ss $getimgsec -s $img_size $img_name";
> if (shell_exec($cmd)) {
>echo "ok"; }