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Please help.

No.1457820 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Heyo. My name is Matthew (Roy perfered) and I really really need help.
I've seen stories everywhere about how 4chan can track down people and how much knowledge they have about tech. I used to live in a really abusive household where my mother respected no boundaries and I had absloutley no privacy. She would constantly take my phone while I was sleeping to change my passwords to my accounts, change the pin on my iPhone and delete my Touch ID leaving only her fingerprint so she could get in. This got so bad to the point where I couldn't even keep my phone on my nightstand, and this is going to sound stupid but I eventually had to start putting my phone in my pants so she couldn't get my phone without breaking a law.

The day I came out to my mother about being in a relationship, she lost her shit and went on a rampage. She took my phone out of my hands and locked herself into the bathroom, where she would go and tell my lover that I wasn't allowed to talk to her and threatened to call the cops on her for "harassment.", and locked me out of my phone aigan. She then went outside, and slammed my phone on our concrete driveway, shattering the screen. I was and still am poor, and the whole reason why I was living with my parents is because I couldn't find a home to live in and jobs weren't hiring due to COVID. I cannot replace the screen to that phone because after she shattered it she went batshit crazy on it with a hammer, and in the process she punctured the battery and started a lithium battery fire, destroying the motherboard and all data on it.

I am willing to pay somebody on here to hack into my Apple ID, and I'm willing to provide as much information I can proving that I own my Apple ID (Such as showing my Google Account devices and then a photo of the devices, replying to a text message to my linked number a spefifc way, saying what phone numbers are linked so on and so forth.)
I'm running out of space. Ask me for more info if you'd like.