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No.1459163 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i have trouble with some coworkers.
I dont know why but i get weird looks from them, there's like 10 of them.

We were all in orientation and joined the workplace together, and they're all guys.
Like i notice that they ignore me when other people don't, or give me a look like they dont want to be around me, some avoid me all together and walk home different ways when it was all fine before.

I'm really friendly too, and say please and thank you, I try not to talk over others or show off, I greet people with a smile and say it's nice to see them again.
Other people treat me fine, but it's just them.

What's more is that I was getting along with some of them just fine before, but it's like something happened, and they kinda treat me coldly. Even one person who was really friendly to me and we talked about anime a lot just doesn't want to be around me and seems to ignore me. Or another person where we talked about games before just doesn't talk to me at all now.

Other people who weren't with me at orientation treat me fine and like a person.
I dont know what I did.
I'm not rude, I dont swear or anything. I can't really even find a time to ask what I did wrong if anything.

Should I just let it go?
I feel like something started in that group and it spread to others in that group, and they just avoid me.
I just feel isolated at work.