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Best College Degree for Working from Home at Own Leisure

No.1459595 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have insomnia that I've had since I was in middle school. It got so bad, I had to drop out of high school and get into online high school (which was based, since I was able to go through junior and senior year in just 6 months). I could kinda do college between 17 to 18, but I still depended on my Dad to drive me to school, and he wasn't able to take me to all my free tutoring sessions, and I missed some of my classes due to insomnia. (Whoops.)

I will turn 24 in June, and a lot of years have passed since I was in college. I have not wasted all these years, spending them learning all sorts of based shit in various different fields, but most of these fields aren't really STEM related. I did, however, teach myself algebra through calc 2 in just a couple months back when I was 21, so I strongly feel that I could teach myself all of undergrad mathematics in just a year if I just persisted with it and made sure I worked on it for a few hours each day. This wouldn't be unheard of, and I already have all the textbooks. The thing is, it's not like I would immediately get a high-paying job upon learning all this shit. If I do end up going with some non-math related college degree, could all this math knowledge come to help me out? I am also aware of the fact that you forget the things you learn with time. If I go back to math, I will have to quickly review everything from algebra to calc 2 before I move forward again, but my knowledge would be more solidified.

What should I get a degree in if I want to get a high-paying job working from home without any time constraints? Deadlines are fine. My issue is having to be at work from A time to B time. Bonus if this would benefit from lots of math knowledge.