>>2650451>>2650455To be honest I don't even really care about the voice actors. They aren't what make the character.
Both Megumi and Amanda did a great job.
I think we have to face that we have a problem with Rei's voice actors. We've been through two english voice actors for Rei, because the situation is far too hostile for the role.
Someone like Brina Palencia was promised more or less the greatest role in anime science fiction, and look at how that turned out with Rebuild. I don't think she gives a crap about the character, but as a strong role she got bummed. In the future, no one is going to congratulate the voice actor for Rei on landing the role because it's obvious by now that Anno is a cunt who hates Rei.
I don't think Megumi or anyone else cares either. Because honestly if she did, we'd have heard something about the situation already. Amanda didn't return, for understandable reasons. The western/american fanbase gave her a rough time and she ran away.
If Rei had no voice but subtitles, I'd be perfectly fine.