>>3271128I bet there’s a mod for that somewhere. I’ve seen mods that let you bring in Delta Squad from Republic Commando (Yo, pour one out for my homeboy Sev), complete with the voices, so there is a lot of possibility out there.
Here’s the thing, my man: I don’t disagree with you. In fact, I mostly feel the same way; I just try not to let it get me down. Personally, I ascribe to the mantra that we can’t know everything about the production process, and therefore we may not be getting the full story. The dearth of content we’ve seen this year and the new writer who was recently hired have me wondering if something is going on behind the scenes we’re not being told, and perhaps that explains things or means something could change soon. Or it might just stay the same. I don’t know, and It’s good to not get your hopes too high, but assuming the worst just traps you in a bad place. Trust me, I am intimately familiar with it. But I have a life and interests outside of Overwatch (although I do admit to spending more time than is healthy dwelling on it), so I can be patient. Stay cautious, enjoy what you can, post your waifu, say she’s lovely, and spread the love around; that’s my mindset for these threads, and I think this community would be so much better if people would just be excellent to each other.
To that end, I have at least a little of everything, so if you or anyone has a request (within board rules), I’d be happy to accommodate you.
>>3271146I wanna pet her.