>>3812615>>3812948If not for modern medicine I'd be dead too from acidic poisoning. In fact I need medicine all day round for the rest of my life because without it I would die in a matter of days. But here we both are, and who are we to deny our right to exist? Nature runs it's course, and humans helping each other live is a part of that. I understand your feelings since I'm suffering from depression myself, so I'm not trying to discredit what you said. I'm just saying that finding finding happiness is possible even when it all seems pointless. I imagine you felt happy when you thought about that cute girl, so there's nothing wrong with fantasizing. Lonely people need their human pleasures too, in the end. I always end up in imaginary relationships with girls I talk to, but in the end the quiet comfort of solitude has it's perks too.
>>3812702If you've hurt yourself or are thinking of doing it, please call a professional. I'm worried about you.
>>3813355Took the words right out of my mouth anon. That's a nice picture, thanks for posting it.
>>3813320I noticed /pol/ becoming way too unironic at some point so it wasn't fun anymore. There's also a lot angrier response to certain keywords even on other boards and I suspect that's due to astroturfing by big political entities. I always notice that I start to become jaded if my life has been stagnant for too long, so I try to mix it up. A lot can be learned by visiting boards you don't usually visit.
>>3813495Escapism feels way sweeter after accomplishing a real life task, you can do it!