Sylvanas will absolutely get away with it, there's just no way she won't at this point, given that she got this far with the only trouble she had was big daddy werewolf shattering the lantern that would have controlled that giant Val'kyr, oh and the Kor'kron were ordered to watch her at one point but Garrosh is bad and evil and bad(Which is true, but he wasn't a lunatic then) so it clearly doesn't count amirite? It's just a poor joke how she gets away with everything at this point, including deleting the Nelves and making them her soldiers, but don't you worry, that'll be perfectly justified and the Forsaken will be redeemed. Even though the Ebon Blade should have done SOMETHING about the whole group doing all the Scourge did, but worse....
And yes, Chris Metzen, who has thankfully retired(Only in 2016 though, so it's not like what he did will have had time to fade), absolutely waifued Sylvanas about as hard as Jeff husbandos Hanzo, so you can thank him for that.
I don't like her either, don't worry, not QUITE as much as my loathing for Moira, for now, but it's up there. While I don't think they MEANT to either, given that this is Jeff who explicitly said she'd be critical/significant(I forget the exact word that was used), I do believe that she very much is, given that this is the same Jeff who said "We removed Mass Rez because it wasn't fun to be against", while forgetting GravDragons and Doomfist's entire kit are a thing. Echo will almost certainly be to the lore what the RAF was to Operation Sealion, and if she's not...I'll do nothing because Blizz still wouldn't deserve it. Like you said, there are characters who actually matter that could do with...anything(Like Pharah, or Mei, Symmetra, Bastion, as much as I'm loathe to admit it, Orisa and Efi, Winston maybe, given he leads Overwatch now, Lucio like you said, Zen, Genji, Widow maybe? Is she even Brainwashed anymore? Or just working for Talon because she assumes she has no other choice?)