>>3914950Friday night storytime:
Hartmann likes to relate a story about Barkhorn...
Hartmann was flying with Barkhorn on the Eastern Front and the latter closed in on a Russian fighter. His point-blank fire set the Soviet machine ablaze underneath. Seeing that the Russian aircraft was doomed, Barkhorn flew alongside the stricken enemy ship, pulled back his canopy and gestured to the Russian pilot to bail out. The Russian seized his chance and his parachute took him safely to earth.
On the ground, Hartmann asked Barkhorn why he had not just simply shot the Russian fighter to pieces, even if it meant killing the pilot. Barkhorn's reply is something Hartmann will never forget:
>Bubi, you must remember, that Russian pilot was once the baby son of a beautiful Russian girl. He has every right to life and love the same as we do.