>>4694It's not really a persecution complex if they have public speakers actually getting up in front of a thousand people and preaching for the destruction of a populated board dedicated to a topic.
And the fact of the matter is, I wouldn't even have the energy to fight 4chan's mods over yet a third pony banning spree.
You know, I like the show. I do not think it's the second coming of cartoon Christ. I do not think it contains a philosophy. I even think the fandom itself is going to plateau soon if it hasn't already, because things are going downhills.
So I'm just annoyed that I have to care what Moot or any other painfully average faggot thinks. I'll stop talking pony when I'm damn well ready to stop talking about it, and fuck the hell right out of Moot for trying to act like he's somehow a higher being for not liking a fandom he's not a part of.
Fuck him for acting like certain boards don't belong because they don't pertain to his interest.
Fuck him for being unable to go out there are secure legitimate advertising for the site and for being unable to think of ways to make 4chan work to everyone.
Just fuck him. Does he have a plan, or does he just want to go on acting like 4chan gets under control when he thinks there's no long anything "gay" on the site?
Did he actually talk about 4chan like an adult with a plan, or did he just go on like an imbecile, telling people what he does and does like about a site that he had a less than fundamental part of throughout 4chan's most important period of early growth.