Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[36 / 23 / ?]


No.1556 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's make an experience for those fags who didn't show up for the panel.

Dump photos, videos, and stories. I'm still importing all of my shit.

>tfw waiting in line with tons of pic related
>tfw i let a shit ton of people skip me while i wait for my bags to be put in the car
>tfw i had to sit next to two bronies and not Captain Kek (same row)
>tfw bronies lowered their heads in shame when everyone booed at mlp
>tfw dumbass to my right shouts "MOOT USES A MAC?! PEE-SEE MASTAH RICE!!!!"
>tfw i sound like "walt disney's bambi" on my question (videogamedunkey reference)
>tfw puking happens all over the con, once panel is over
>tfw squad cars
>tfw ambulances
>tfw firetrucks
I'm glad I spent 6 hours for this, srs.