>>1959416baring any other factor it sounds like the rim just strait up wore though by heavy use.
as for the brake bosses it takes quite a while for them to wear out, there is a bronze bushing built into the brake arm that wears out first.
its good to keep the brake post clean and lightly greased anyway, a few bikes are greased from the factory but this is kind of rare
if i'm lazy and dont want to take the brake arm off the post I spritz it with thin oil, but this needs to be done more often
>improperly turned them back at the time?probably not to a great extent, rotating the pad may have slightly effected its toe in
common pad misalignment is normally to the extent that ether the leading or trailing edge of the brake pad wears out first,
the camber of the pad is tricky since its particular to a combination of the brake calliper, placement of bosses on the frame,and geometry of the wheel rim
extremely poor alignments of brake pads can collide with the tire
for your next wheel you may consider some alternatives
softer brake pads can delay wear to the wheel rim but the frequency of pad replacement is such that cartridge pads as in
>>1959415 become essential
steel wheel rims last a bit longer but typically they have less grip on the brake pads,
so far as I can tell the older bikes pre 1980s had this approach of a hard steel rim and soft brake pads, and brakes of lower mechanical advantage / more pad clearance