>>1265130You were ignorant and have been educated, now you are just being stupid. Allow me to educate you further. "Pare" means to trim/shave lightly, like skinning a fruit or in this case shaping away for detail purposes/thin removal of wood. It is also called a "pull cut". There's a type of knife designed specifically for this known as a, "paring knife".
When whittling there are only 4 cuts. Pare/pull cut, Push cut, V-cut, and Stop cut. A lot of ignorant or incorrectly taught people think there's a 5th cut called a "straightaway rough cut" used to remove large amounts of wood initially, but this is an incorrect method. It isn't properly control like the 4 other cuts and has no purpose except to keep people with ADHD from spazzing out too much. However, a straightaway rough cut can pretty much ruin things at any moment, forcing you to start from the beginning.
In case you didn't notice, you were also recommended to use a thumb pad with a pull stroke. People tell you to not cut towards yourself because they don't know how to whittle properly or do anything else properly which would be cutting towards you. So, those people end up slicing themselves because they are ignorant or stupid. I'm sure you can probably google/youtube search this shit since it seems no one has a father that teaches anyone anything these days.