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Oh boy, where do I even begin with how much better AEW is compared to the WWE?

No.9061515 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's like comparing a gourmet steak dinner to a soggy microwave meal. Sure, WWE might have been the top dog in the wrestling industry for decades, but AEW has come in and completely revolutionized the game.

First of all, AEW has some of the most talented and exciting wrestlers in the business. The likes of Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and Chris Jericho are absolute legends and can put on a show like no other. WWE might have some decent wrestlers, but they're all cookie-cutter and boring. You can predict exactly how a WWE match is going to go, but with AEW, you never know what's going to happen. But it's not just about the wrestlers and storylines. AEW also has the production value to back it up. The lighting, the camera work, the pyrotechnics - everything is top-notch. WWE might have been good back in the day, but their production now is just lazy and uninspired.

Overall, if you're a true wrestling fan, you should be watching AEW. WWE is for kids and casual fans who can't handle anything too exciting. AEW is for the real fans who want to see something new and innovative. So come on, stop living in the past and join the AEW revolution!