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DB The Next Evolution #0

ID:XyWIGexc No.5951757 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It was a sunny day in the region of Mount Paozu, one of the few places left untouched by the ravages of time, and the advancement of human technology. You find yourself currently in meditation in a lush, green forest surrounded by countless debris on an open, smooth floor. Your eyes closed, your rhythm in tune with your surroundings, with each deep, relaxed breath you take you feel closer to the intrinsic forces that embody nature. Your body was relaxed yet firm, not showing any sign of weakness or lack of guard despite your relaxed state. Several birds had perched themselves onto your broad shoulders, treating you no different than the venerable trees in this forest meadows.

Naturally, you were undeterred by the birds, already deeply engrossed in your meditation as you took a state of mind found in a fugal. This fugue-like heightened concertation made you aware of the Ryuo or dragon's flow, the natural floodgates of one's energy. As well as the ambient energies that exude around one's surroundings, stemming from the Ryumyaku or Dragon Veins. Essentially, the leylines of the planet and the crystalized network of power, with the earth's core serving as its nexus point. Learning how to be in tune with such ancient paths that flow and crisscross each other has in turn helped you understand your floodgates.

As you are now, you were linked with the world, thus able to see far better than with your eyes. An extrasensory perception akin to clairvoyance as the slightest vibrations, shifts in the air currents, and faintest of sounds were known to you. Although you were as clear as the calming streams found in Mount Paozu, your sense of self was rather foggy. Be it peace of mind or the presence of the mind, you were having trouble achieving the Mizu no Kokoro or Mind and Heart like Water. Sure you were sensing and processing everything around you as if you were right then and there. Unfortunately, this was only scraping the surface.

In truth, you can barely detect a person's thoughts, emotions, and even personality just by picking up the subtle sounds they produce consistently. Or learn how to sense the natural energies of a person, including one's very own life force, and quantify its volume or potency. According to your master, these were just the surface values of the innermost secrets of Senjutsu or Sage Arts. Things like bending the flow of fluids such as vapor, or exerting invisible forces such as shockwaves in Kiais shouldn't be your end goal. Especially since you've yet to fire the true form of the Kamehameha, your master's signature technique.