Ending and tallying the vote now.
Take 1 yourself:3
Give 1 to Fu:8
Give 1 to Qiang:5
Give 1 to ping:1
Send a formal declaration of war, since it wouldn't be sporting otherwise:6
Test out the potential of cosmic Qi to slice through space itself, and attempt to teleport your forces past the defenses the forgotten king has already established:4
rally your ghost troops under your banner to bully the kings men:1
Try to sneak into to portion of the tomb held by the forgotten king, unnoticed:1
So you'll send a formal declaration of war, permit Qinxin to partake in the ghost hunt, and give Fu 1 of the Strength of the mountain bending rose drug (leaving you with 2 doses)
Update will arrive shortly
>>5974696He could, but Xiongji is a very powerful and very crazed ghost, so keep that in mind