Ending the vote and tallying its result now that I am not currently busy with familial responsibility and filial duties. Made a lovely dinner for my sect's matriarch. And her dogs got a tithe as well.
Shoushan has put forward a wager, that if either of your ghost cultivating disciples lose to a Buddhist, you will agree to become the idol of a newely built Buddhist temple in your territory:6
-they donate a buddha statue if they lose
- Teach exorcist techniques/ anti ghost chants/ buddhist techniques IG.
-send a delegate to teach your students:
Shandian has placed a lot of money on lightning rod and Gong Qing winning in every contest they're partaking in, as well as a some rare bottled lightning.:5
-wager his students place 2nd/ 3rd, and medicines to allow weaklings to travel to hell:1
- Spirit stones/ qilin antlers:3
-wager feiqing's services:1
The Weiwupo has placed bet on her two students winning the sorcerous contests, wagering a prized volume of curses on their victory:5
-Offer a similar record/ manual/ your own knowledge (or Ao or Monu's)
The elders of the thousand lotus hall have proudly declared that they'll give the reward they prepared for Tung-Mei to the winner of the Alchemical/ medicine contest if she isn't the victor.:3
-Offer some of the plants from your grove/ orchard:3
To allow your sect unlimited access to the Forge Devil's furnace:7
Decide Randomly:4
SO! the favor is official/free access to the forge devil's furnace.
and you'll accept Shoushan, Shandian and the Weiwupo's wagers, for excorcist techniques, betting spirit stones and qilin antlers and wagering some of your own cursed knowledge/ knowledge of curses
Before starting the monster slaying competition, the monsters in which will be decided randomly.
Update will arrive shortly
>>6193657I mean if Huan told him "Oh the ling are devil descendants" I'm sure at least the Marshal himself would be thrilled!