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Heretic Cultivator Quest 19

!!x2Y5mWD7k6q ID:RrBqpVle No.5852900 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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16th thread: <span class="mu-s"> THREAD MARKED AS 16 IN SUPTG IS ACTUALLY THREAD 17 </span>
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<span class="mu-s"> Boss theme: </span>

You are the Wild Princess, heir of the primordial throne of nature, Queen of the ghosts, Grand heretic and red-jade beauty, Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), The Demonic Beast Cat, Founder and first practitioner of the ghost and grudge aligned cultivation technique, the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎlǜ), and the leader of the renegade Palace of natural laws (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn) sect that stands in defiance of the nine heavens and their lackies, as well as the adoptive daughter of the Toad Witch, Monu who has forsaken her other names in favor of simply being known as "Witch". Having gathered four other cultivation sects to your side, The Five Colors and Five Purities Sect (五彩和与五純度, Wǔcǎihéyǔwǔchúndù), The Dusk Marsh Wolves (薄暮沼泽狼, Zhǎozébómùláng), The Summer Sea Dawn Sect (夏季海黎明, Xiàjìhǎilímíng) and the Temple of Celestial Fire (庙的天上火, Miàodītiānshànghuǒ) to your side through various means after infusing your blood and meridians with moondust, you stuck your heels into the ground and prepared your sect and the city of Suiqi for the arrival of accursed snowstorm summoned by the Winter Blossoming Wisdom Sect (冬䓵智, Dōngfūzhì), and of their heartless sect head Xue Laohue (雪 老虎, Snow tiger), the man who crippled your mother and killed your foxy sister Xuebai (雪白, Snow white).

Confronting the half frozen old monster with your mother, while the Gege's lead the charge against the army that followed him through the blizzard, you incited his fury and lured him into an Arena prepared specifically to trap and isolate him away from the bulk of his forces, behind walls ice, stone and titanic plant life and four rings of fortification, where he conceitedly immediately tried to end the battle with a single move while having the audacity to call you arrogant.

As chunks of frozen Gu centipede rained down around you, and the corpse of the overly ambitious soldier who thought he could strike down any cultivator, let alone Xue Laohue the unchallenged master of defensive magics, groaned with the sound of cracking ice as the man who killed him, the head of the winter blossoming wisdom sect himself, stood ready and waiting for you in a vast defensive array he had drawn in mere moments with ice shooting out from his feet. Clinging on to the lower half of the Gu he had crushed with the freezing winds he commanded, you knew you only had a few precious seconds to plan your next move and carry it out.