>>6820870what a shitty figure. And i can't describe how shocked i am that after such a shitty line of figs of JW we SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE getting amazing sculpts and ideas for JW2.
usually in modern world ruled by buiseness and profits everything goes only downhill...but this time we actually getting better stuff.
You know - this whole situation (we got line of shitty figures but then suddenly somebody came and brought us better ones) remind me my biggest fuck-up in my life.
I work as artist and i was working with one videogame project. Everything was fine at first but then after some irl-problems and depression i became slower and slower and it didn't satisfy my client.
So he hired a new artist - he was younger and better. He was working hard and produced over 9000 pictures per day and this how i got kicked from that project.
I feel like me in that situation is Hasbro with shitty JW-figures. With little to no "artistic spark" or inspirational ideas. And currently upcoming cool dinosaur figures is that newer artist.
I hope Hasbroshit feels as devastaded and embarassed as i felt in that situation.