>>34540721You might actually be the dumbest poster I've ever seen.
>Ice has NO GUARANTEE of ever thawingIt has a 20% chance every turn. It's not like it's permanent.
>Even then there's an entire fucking sleep clause>Talks about fanfic metas>Doesn't think maybe those could just make a FRZ clause if it somehow was a problem, which it wouldn't be>There are 7 goddamn moves that negate it as well as one weatherOn top of everything else that cures/prevents any status
>Enjoy being required to devote a slot of a team to either an ice type or a poke with that move and required to switch in whenever their ice setter appearsFreeze-Dry is on five fucking 'mons level ups and four by breeding.
>I bet you advocate for At/sp. Atk eviolite tooHow is that remotely comprable to giving a status a dedicated move when eveything else has one? I bet you eat literal shit, we can all straw man fucknug