>>51758189I respect the effort, but the shared reasoning for zoophilia and pedophilia is consent.
Consent, that some Pokemon can actually give.
If a Pokemon gives consent, the only remaining defense is a moral ground, which I am fine with respecting. After all, we all have our morals, and society only works if our morals are largely aligned.
It should be noted that not all Pokemon are entirely innocent.
Firstly, using "fantastical critters" is about as disingenuous as saying that succubi aren't created for anything more than to be a fantastical threat.
Secondly, Salazzle. Completely ignoring the whole "Salazzle can captivate human men" for a second, it uses pheromones to effectively enslave Salandit, and is most certainly based on the story of a man eating lizard who fulfilled the role of the succubus in Haiwaiian myth. Does ANY of that sound remotely innocent to you? Add in the claim I can't find evidence to, and suddenly, this paints a ridiculous picture of the world, if you continue to claim that it must be innocent.
I respect you, but please, find a different position.