>>54010581Setting ficanon's later proliferation of it aside, it's actually surprising Gohkari didn't spawn anything SFW following the AU episodes; not even a few pieces. Like, they split the four into pairs, Ash and Chloe on one side of the warp gate and Goh and Dawn on the other side; the light ship-teasing they did with Ash and Chloe only really amounted to Chloe sitting on Ash and getting flustered about it, lots of smiling, and them going to the library together where Cynthia "caught" them together, and yet that did give Bloomboltbros some material to work with, which is testified by the fact that that episode is always a primary source for Bloombolters' screencaps. Meanwhile, Dawn took Goh to "her" house and then into "her" room, resulting in Goh being alone in a Dawn's room with two Dawns, and yet that pairing from the episode was essentially ignored by fan artists and fanfic writers. If it had been Ash instead of Goh, I 100% guarantee there would've been a doujin (or several) produced with Ash having a threesome with both Dawns; but because it was Goh, it was ignored.