>>48706850Please dont seethe so angery about obvious bait this much fren, you should stop taking this so seriously in futile hopes of subverting literal decades of furshit logic that's pretty much binary at this point, not even joking about it - it goes just like this:
>if M(rocket), then F(cookie); else 2>if M(horse_dick) then F(mare_cunt); goto 1 If you want to get really mad about something that's wrong on a fundamental level, remind yourself about the fact how its getting trendy to put doggy dongs on felines like Zeraora or Luxray - without any sort of even basic effort to addorn their shafts with any sort of bushy bristles on top of that
>Anon you're literally c00m-police at the momentSorry for not being a horny retard anymore, get on my level or get used to being rightfully insulted if shit you like just doesn't fly at all