23 days ago, I finally achieved my goal. I reached 50 wins with Illumise, Araquanid, Scizor, and Volcarona. I managed to abuse the AI's unwillingness to switch even after lowering their stats, and encored others to stall for my time. Volcarona/Scizor were always able to get a nice switch-in should one of my starters go down. Unlike the previous Accelgor strat, Araquanid sat almost every game, but had great damage output. However, Illumise was the key that unlocked everything. Two big damaging mons in the back that could both boost their attacks secured the streak. That is all, thank you for reading.
I was so happy I sent this sound clip to my girlfriend who was well aware of my autistic quest at the time.
https://vocaroo.com/i/s06SbCJuairOThen I went online and bought a Volcarona plushy.
Prankster, Item: Normalium Z
Calm, max HP, around 150 into SpD and the rest dumped into def
Struggle Bug/Charm/Encore/Psych-Up
Water Bubble, Item: Leftovers
Adamant, max HP, max Atk, rest into Def
Leech Life, Wide Guard, Stockpile, Liquidation
Mega Scizor
Technician, Item: Scizorite
Adamant, ~200 HP, ~150 Atk, ~150 Def, rest in Speed
Bullet Punch/Bug Bite/Protect/Swords Dance
Flame Body, Item: Aguav berry
Bold, max HP, max Def, rest into SpA
Quiver Dance/Roost/Heat Wave/Giga Drain