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/vp/ plays Pokemon Africanvs

!!uFy26nWSF72 No.55802479 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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>This game didn't receive any playtesting
>We conquer Africa, go to Hades and see some surprisingly Kino scenes
>This game claims to be "historically accurate" yet besmirches Alexander the great's name, niggerwashes several ancient nations and then has the audacity to add faggotry as well
>Pretty kino fights against the Greco-Roman pantheon
>We can never truly escape Empire

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
The game is Pokemon Africanvs, another Spanish fangame. It's apparently based off the Second Punic War, but with Pokemon I guess?
So far, we haven't played a bad Spanish fangame, hopefully this doesn't break that streak.

>Download link
