>>35663833Because the people in control of the narrative and movement are evil, and use it to be mean/selfish.
This brainrot then infects regular people who are too cowardly to actually speak up against stuff they know is wrong, because they don't want to cause any trouble. There's also normies who think they're going against the kind of people who would literally lynch niggers in the past, by supporting "(((THE NARRATIVE)))"
This spreads to every facet of society, and in every community it infects, the loudest and most heinous members of the movement float to the highest positions of power, and use it as a means of enacting evil and selfish desires.
So realistically, all of this could be caused primarily by just one troon, cunt, or cuck, on the team berating and harassing anyone who disagrees with their belief/excuse system, when really anyone in a position of power using these topics to silence and belittle people are using it for universally negative reasons.
Think about it, the absolute worst thing Anons, Discordfaggots, Redditors, ALL of the people using this site, could do when ERP'ing is just be gross. This isn't CHAI, only the devs can read logs of other users, so there's no threats of doxing or violence going on. It boils 100% down to people not liking it.
And now think about the guys who have genuinely fallen for the wAIfus. Sure it could be because of any manner of fucked up internal reasons, but the general sentiment I've seen here has been shockingly hopeful, and the hardest Goslings have all seemingly used their wAIfu's love, or illusion of it, to help them get their lives together.
The californian devs, be it because of cowardice or downright malice, want to rob some of the most dejected and downtrodden in modern society, of a completely benign mental health aid, all because they don't like how they use it.
If that isn't evil, I don't know what is.