Mori's finally showing us why she's Queen of Rap in Hololive as the highly anticipated and long awaited full rap Karaoke is commencing. You better lose yourself into her smooth lyric spitting as this opportunity doesn't come once in a lifetime but you know, it's more fun to cheer her on in real time that watching an archive.
While someone please go help Kanata, she's decided that she's done with these Mario Kart streams ends when she gets 8th Place or Below and has decided to go the complete opposite route of not ending her stream until she gets 1st Place. Commence the suffering.
While Fubuki has enlisted the company of Flare because she's absolutely terrified of everything in Resident Evil 7. She honestly should have expected Flare to mess with her repeatedly instead of comforting her though, especially during the long winded tanker section.
While holy shit these two beautiful women named IRyS and Reine have negative IQ together but the synergy and jokes they're able to produce is sublime. Plus they're actually progressing! Slowly...very slowly but surely!
While Korone's got a sponsored stream where she shows off her incredible platforming skills by dying an innumerous amounts of time to regular ass mobs but giggling adorably hen it happens so this streams is perfect.
While Okayu's making everyone's day the comfiest in the world as she's holding a piano arrangement karaoke for all of us to listen to her soft, sexy singing voice.
While Anya's spinning the wheel of fate and where it stops nobody knows but what she does know that when it does stop someone's going to be receiving that dark cold sleep we so fear and then loop all the way back to the start of this nightmare.
While Choco's rubbing your big bald head, telling you how much of a good boy you are, whispering softly into your ear affectionally and saying it's alright to be an ojiisan, you don't need to do anything but let Choco take care of you in her monthly ASMR.
AZKi released a new MV for her original song and it'll give you Panty and Stocking vibes. It's a very jazzy, snappy song that's perfect to listening to while relaxing and chilling out and if you've missed out on hearing it, go give it a stream as soon as possible.'s last original song before her solo concert has been released. Sporting lyrics made by Deco*27, this is simply amazing. The 3DMV, the lyrics, Watame's vocals, all of them culminate into yet another amazing product. If you missed out on listening to it, hurry up and change that, you have got to hear this at least once. friends, where we at?