Watching Kiara joking around with her Mama as the two of them continue to do their building and renovating. Mamatori already proved to be the strongest being in the universe as she tamed Death itself and made Kiara kneel in disbelief. Not only that but when Kiara allowed three priso- happy villagers escape from their lovely containtm- house, she panicked because she thought Mamatori would rip out her feathers. It was straight adorable.
While Kanata has gotten close to getting first place at least so she's beginning to believe in herself. Perhaps the suffering will end soon and she can finally end the stream and get plenty of rest today, or maybe she'll be playing Mario Kart for 8 more hours. Only time can tell.
While Luna's the strongest Mahjong player, defeating all the
A.Is she was up against despite not knowing a single thing about Mahjong. Now she's moved on to treating herself to some pick up two.
While Korone's fighting yet another boss and getting completely rocked by the multiple projectile spitting birb but she's just laughing at her demise as she goes right back to facing it again. Her fortitude cannot be rocked when playing video games and Ender Lilies is no exception.
While Anya's still lying her way if she's Gnosia or swaying votes to put the disgusting creatures to cold sleep so she can protect the crew in her long playthrough of Gnosia.
Today AZKi decided to bless our ears and eyes with this amazing MV for her original song StongestxWWeakest girl. The jazzy and funky song coupled with the simple yet efficient MV drawn in the style of Panty & Stocking makes for one extremely fantastic experience. If you haven't listened to it yet, then what are you doing? Go get to it already. uploaded her final original song before her solo concert in October. This one is called Rainbow and the lyrics were written by Deco*27. Watame's vocals are phenomenal in this song and the 3DMV is breathtaking. You should seriously give it a stream or two or three everyday if you can because it's honestly one of Watame's best works yet. friends, where we at?