This is what I think of them:
One might be tempted to apply conventional insults to doxfags, doxfags are Idiots,
shameless attention whores, Ugly motherfuckers, whiny Bitchs, sleezeballs, and so forth. But the fact of the matter is that those insults and the various colourful variations and combinations of which never the less give doxfags too much credit. Even idiots can be put to good use, even if just as projects to cheer people up or sweaping the floor, an attention whore might be amusing in some way even if just by accident, plenty of ugly people are decent and respectable and better despire their asthetic deficiencies and Whiners can contribute too, even if they make a fuss over nothing and are annoying as fuck and a sleezeball might have some good ideas despite his loathesome mannarism and attitudes. Not that these terms could not be applied to doxfags, no, no. But because the people that those words described can be put to use in some small way to make this world a better place, or at least have some vaugely redeeming qualities. Doxfags, however do not. Never before has in the history of the universe have the forces of the nature come together to create such an abyssmally substandard human beings such as doxfags. What are they? They are Waste. I don't pity them, i pity the tapeworms that are forced to endure dwelling in their horrid intestinal track. I pity the water atoms which have passed through the blatters of Great People, be they Enlightened rulers, scientists who push forward humanity, heroes who have saved the lives of thousands or simply pleasant, kind hearted and Generous folk and now must endure being stuck inside the cell tissues of their horrid legs.
The only possible way they could endevour to make this world a better place is if they went into a chemical waste dump with a sharp rock (not a knife, some object that was shaped by the hands and minds of mankind and the fruits of their efforts deserve some respect, which befouling it with their bodily juices is anything but) and stab themselves in the chest, letting their body degrade amongst corrosive industrial run-off so it may be elevated to its level and that the materials that the universe would have eighty more kilograms of free material to be turned into anything other than them.