>>15134415Many cards in the upright position, that indicates a lot of common sense (Koyori: in some ways, isn't having less common sense better for a content creator?)
Present state: upright High Priestess, very strong spirituality and strong sense of intuition
Near future: reversed Ace of Swords, a chance you'll work too hard on something soon and cause it to go wrong (Koyori: Mario Kart, eh?)
People around you: upright Queen of Swords, people tend to see you as taking things seriously
Your environment: upright Judgement, you are in a very tough environment where your hard work will be recognised, if you don't work hard it will haunt you
Problems: upright 9 of Swords, "anguish", you are the type to cause incidents (Koyori: please don't reveal that!), it's hard to avoid regrets so don't let yourself be hung up on them (Koyori: I'll do my best to not be crushed!)
Psyche (Koyori: this is my favourite! Mio: Interesting favourite to have): reversed Two of Wands, attainment, you tend to be a worrywart, even when things are going well you think things are going wrong (Koyori: have you been secretly talking to my manager!?) This string of cards says there's a danger your worrying will cause you to do too much and end up with regrets
Gestalt: upright Knight of Swords, you dislike doing things in vain, it is a promising card to have upright, suggests good progre
Advice: upright Three of Cups, "party person", advises trying for collab streams especially more than just 1 on 1 (Koyori: I'm the type to be quiet in a big group. Mio: You'll get used to big groups!)
Koyori: I feel like I was fully seen by Mio, down to my underwear
Mio: Well, regarding the underwear, good luck with the adjustment! (Mio suggested not wearing panties when sleeping or after bathing)