Here is my in-depth analysis of the whole Mori surgery thing.For those of you who arent up to date watch this from 11:38 to 19:58 our main concern here is that she is getting a breast reduction surgery, if you google causes for breast reduction the first result is "Chronic back, neck and shoulder pain that requires pain medications".
>"Its like something that Ive been trying to solve for like years, so I kind of like knew about it" >"We were hoping that medicine could like heal it that I was taking at the time, but it turns out that its a chronic issue"Ring a bell?We all know our boy has had back issues and shoulder stiffnes for quite some time now,strongly implying it as a cause for breast reduction surgery.Now there are two types of breast reduction surgeries, liposuction method which is done under local anesthesia and the usual surgical method done under general anesthesia.Liposuction is the prefered method for breast reduction since it doesnt leave as many scars,doesnt require as large incisions,and you can still breastfeed your kids and feel your nipples.
>"I dont even think its a put you under kind of surgery, Its just a numb the entire area that were working on surgery"This rules out the later method and leaves us with the liposuction method since local anesthesia is being used
>"They said healing will take maybe like 2-3 days I shouldnt like walk around and do things, but from the 4th day onward travel should be fine""The typical patient can return to work and normal social activity within two to three days after surgery" Here is my source on what anesthesia is used for liposuction and how long it takes to recover since she doesnt want to go into details its probably because the surgery involves a private part of her body aka boobs.This could mean that she has a lump of some kind in one of her breasts and is having it removed via surgical breast biopys.However she said she knew about this for years, so its unlikley that she just ignored the possibility that she has breast cancer.
So yeah mommy milkies are going bye bye it seems