Caution: /vtwbg/ ahead.
Sorry to derail the ongoing discord raid, feel free to ignore. Here are proposed votes for the thread. Let me know what you think and if you disagree with anything. Will post again in the next thread.
>>22539284/morig/ voting ballot, 2022-04-16
1. Following on the result of the last round of voting, what should be the nature of the common calendar used for the purpose of organising timelines and histories? This is an open-ended question, with the two main factors being voted on being:
Year 0 of the calendar - when should it be defined? Please also make your suggestion for how years before and after the year should be marked e.g. BC/AD
>/jp/-/vt/ split should be Year 0. BVT (Before /vt/) and VTE (/vt/ Era) should be the year symbols. JP and VT are ambiguous because those symbols also refer to vtuber generations.What is the current year?
Anytyhing other than something between 1700-1800, that would be kind of boring. Maybe 860 VTE?
2. Based on the calendar discussed in 1., Should we decide on a loose thread-by-thread timescale? If so, please state your preferred scale e.g. 1 RL day = 1 in-game month. Be noted that non-concrete timescale e.g. "speed of plot" is also permissible.
>Speed of plot allows more creative freedom for the threads to have various events. Sometimes, nothing really important happens in a country for years, and sometimes dozens of important events happen in a week. At any time IRL, /vtwbg/ would have a "current year" which is around where the events happening on the board are occurring, within a few years. And after significant events, /vtwbg/ could have a "Time Advances" vote, where advancing the "current year" by a few years is proposed.>EG: The current year is 875 VTE. A new vtuber agency has debuted and a few new generals have been added to /vt/. /vtwbg/ votes to advance the current year to 885 VTE, and those ten years is when the agency debut and other current events have occurred.3. As suggested by the Sakuran representative, should a non-reverse-engineerable, instantaneous communication system/device limited to the representatives of countries be introduced to the setting? Be noted that it is "not meant to give any significant power to the reps themselves; if another rep replaces a current one they get the device, but rather to explain how they talk to and organise deals with nations on the other side of the globe", according to the suggestion.
>No. Doesn't seem necessary, if a thread wants a negotiation outcome to have an impact now, we can simply assume the negotiations have been ongoing in the background for however many months are necessary.