Here is a possible interpretation of how the magical energy and chuubanite could work.
1. Magical energy exists as a field, the magic energy field. This field is like the gravitational field or the electromagnetic field, it spans the entirety of the universe, and exists everywhere in it. This field has a subatomic particle that is associated with it, the magic energy particle.
2. Magic energy particles are analogous to photons, meaning that they too are quantisised (their energies and/or identities exist as discrete values), and they too have wave-particle duality. The magic energy particle can be in superposition with itself. For clarity, i shall call these magic energy particles "magic quanta".
---> These magic quanta are observed in the magic energy field as standing waves that in some situations act like particles. The energy of a quanta is dependent on the amplitude of this wave.
---> When magic does work, aka, when magic moves energy around, it is the magical energy field doing the work. Magic quanta are being transported into lower energy states (lower wave amplitudes), or being annihilated entirely, with their mass being transformed into the energy that does the work.
3. Each magic quanta has an identity. This identity could be expressed as a simple sine wave with a certain wavelength. As the quanta can be in superposition, more complex identities can be formed from multiple simple magic quanta combining into a super-magic-quanta.
3.a. This combined quanta does not have the combined energy of the simple magic quanta, but it has a new identity which is a sum of the identities of the simple magic quanta.
---> There exists a fundamental set of affinities/identities a magic quanta can take. These fundamental identities can be combined to make more complex identities. Depending on the complexity of the identity, it may or may not be stable, meaning that magic quanta with more complex identities may spontaneously decay back into simpler forms.
---> Magic quanta can also be annihilated (as mentioned above). This annihilation process converts the magical energy field energy into forms of energy that are more familiar to us, such as heat, light, and movement.
4. Magic quanta do not interact with normal matter in the same way as the more familiar subatomic particles do. They may or may not be affected by gravity or electromagnetic forces.
5. Vitubium as a material is special in the way that it does not act the same way normal matter does. Whereas normal matter does not interact with the magic quanta themselves, vitubium does. Vitubium can also interact with normal matter the same way normal matter can interact with itself. Vitubium that has chemically bonded with normal matter is called chuubanite.
6. Vitubium "atoms" can store and stabilize magic quanta inside them. Normal matter cannot. Magic quanta outside vitubium quickly annihilates.
7. Since the magic quanta have wave properties, they could experience tunneling. In this case, magic quanta that were previously "bonded" to vitubium can spontaneously appear outside it. As the magic quanta are not stable outside vitubium, they almost immediately annihilate, releasing their energies. In real world, this can happen to electrons, and this property of electrons is utilized in Scanning Tunneling Mircoscopes.
---> The "decay" of chuubanite is not akin to radioactive decay, instead it is a sort of tunneling current. The vitubium atoms itself does not decay, it only loses the magic quanta that were bonded with it. Since the tunneling probability would be dependent on the surface area of the object, this form of "decay" would fit the rentry far better than radioactive decay would.
Sort of relating to
>>24176804, each "concept" or "idea" would have its own unique waveform for the magic quanta. One could transmute one form of waveform into another by introducing or removing the right types of magic quanta with the right wavelengths to or from the combined quanta.
Chuubas and concepts could very well affect the magic energy field and then by extension, magic quanta and vitubium and chuubanite.
Under this interpretation, the morig diamond was not a pure diamond, it was a diamond that had impurities of vitubium, making it a type of chuubanite. In these impurities was bonded mori identity magic quanta. Like was suggested in
>>24133863, the diamond combined with the risuner witch's intent would have taken the mori identity magic quanta and deconstructed it into more simple identities. The diamond in this case affected the magic quanta waveforms like a prism affects photons, it deconstructed the combined identity into multiple simpler identities, and released the magic quanta from the vitubium, causing the described effect. What the mori identity decayed into may be probabilistic, meaning that one would not get the exact same results every time, but one would have a chance of getting the exact same result any time.